
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dots and Girly Bits

Good evening again glittery polish lovers! So yesterday after removing that pesky glitter, I decided I'd try out my Girly Bits January Morning along with a dotting design idea I got from I Feel Polished! So what you'll need is Sinful Colors Snow Me White, Girly Bits January Morning, Avon Ruby Slipper, and OPI The Flowers are Blue-Ming! along with some large, medium, and small dotting tools. Here is the finished result!

Here's how you make this cute little red, white, and blue dot design! First I used one coat of Sinful Colors Snow Me White, and then I put 2 coats of Girly Bits January Morning on top. While it went on well, better than Sinful Colors Smoking Hot that it reminded me of, it would take about 5 coats to be as opaque as I wanted, so it is best to layer this shimmery polish over something! Here's how it looked.

After that dried, I picked out one of my larger dotting tools and dotted all my nails with alternating blue and red dots. This was the result:

Then I used my smaller dotting tool to put white dots in all of those dots. Finally with my smallest dotting tool, I put tiny red and blue dots inside the white ones. I then got a ring or target effect. I really liked it! Easy, simple, nice, and cheaper than a salon!  Enjoy glitter lovers!

**Girly Bits can be bought on for $12 a bottle**


  1. As usual, great job!! :)

  2. OOOo pretty :) okay maybe this one for my nails???? lol <3
