
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Black Hole

Why good evening glittery polish lovers! So finally after work, the beach, and sunburn, I've got a new mani for you! Ever heard of Black Cat Lacquer? If not, you need to try out her indies, and my first of hers is Black Hole!

Let's get this glittery mani how-to started! So a while back I got 2 of the OPI Minnie Mouse Collection, and finally used the magenta jelly, I'm All Ears. It's a magenta pink jelly bases with tons of silver shimmer. It's a little sheer, so I used 2 coats to reach the opacity I needed. OPI brushes are a little wide (which means I almost always swipe my cuticles), but the color went on wonderfully!

So my friend Heather who does the blog I Feel Polished, pointed me to Black Cat Lacquer. She was having a 20% off promo, so I figured I could try a bottle. I picked Black Hole. It has black/rainbow iridescent diamond glitters, silver dot glitters, and a black jelly base. While it was a little bit thick due to the pigment and amount of glitter, it went on fantastic. The polish translated wonderfully from the bottle to my nails. The rainbow glitteriness from the diamonds was divine! I'd def try one from Black Cat Lacquer again. Just remember, try not to put too much on your nail, or the black base will build up! I give this a 8/10 for the glitter, and a 6/10 for application. It was a bit thick, but I powered through :) 

*Black Cat Lacquer can be purchased for $10 a bottle at her etsy store*


  1. Oh this glitter looks awesome on your nails!

  2. ugh you and your pink :p hahah jk jk its a cute design maybe instead of always using red and pink as your bases switch it up at bit :)

    1. Problem is I don't have a lot of good other bases XD I need some more blues and purples!
