
Monday, July 16, 2012

Link and the Triforce

Good evening glittery polish lovers! So for a very long time, my favorite video games of all time have been anything Legend of Zelda. Is the music playing in your head yet? I finally got the right green polish, and wella! My Link and the Triforce nails!

Very nice yes? Fit for the Hero of Time? I think so! Off to the how to!  So first I started off with 2 coats of Sally Hansen HD Color in Resolution. It was  little streaky, but the second coat nearly fixed that.  It's a much more Hero of Time green than the pictures show, and it's a shimmery jelly to boot! Delicious! 

Then I used Funky Fingers Down to Earth, a shimmery gold, to paint the Triforce. To give it more definition, I outlined it with a black striper. Of course I needed more glitter to give it a little something extra, so I used my new/first Hot Topic Black Beauty polish in Party Action, which has nice multicolor dot and hexagon glitters. And it comes in a skull shaped bottle. Cool much? After a coat of that on all my nails,  I topped it with a coat of Seche Vite for quick drying and shine. I give Party Action a 6/10 for glitteriness, and the overall mani a 7/10 for application!  Now Link is ready to go get that Triforce, and you are too with this fun video game inspired design!

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