
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cackling over Crackle

Welcome foolish mortals! All Hallows Eve draws close, more easy Halloween nails are on the way! To me, green and orange are Halloweeny, pumpkiny colors. What better way to use my Julep Sabrina shimmery orange crackle than over green? So here is an awesome crackle mani!

Lovely! To start this shimmery mani off, I used 2 coats of Zoya Ivanka, a dark shimmery green. This really is becoming my favorite green. I see some good Christmas/St. Patty's Day manis coming from it! It was touch dry by the time I was done all fingers, so then I moved onto the crackle. Now a lot of people may not like crackle, but I've never had a shimmery orange crackle like Julep Sabrina before, and with Halloween around the corner, why not? I used one thin coat of Sabrina. It crackled right away, and it was beautifully done! It crackled beautifully in all places, much better than my Funky Fingers from 5 Below. This is one nice crackle! And it dried in about 10 seconds to the touch too. 

Look at the shimmer!!!!  Then I used my Julep Quick Dry Polish Drops. They are amazing! 2 drops per nail and my nails were totally dry in like 20 seconds?! I used no Seche Vite and this mani lasted 4 days with no chips! Lots of compliments too. I give this a 6/10 for glitter and an 8/10 for application. I'm cackling over this Halloween crackle! 


  1. The orange crackle reminds me of pumpkins! Neat!

  2. I use my quick dry drops over the seche vite and my manicures last longer than I allow them to stay on my nails lol at least week but I change my manicure by then anyways... I love the orange over green! I hadn't thought to do that. I've only done them over a black creme so far.

  3. You have pumpkin nails :-D! I am glad you are getting some use out of the drying drops!

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    1. Why thank you so much! I really appreciate someone from Julep commenting on my little ol' blog!

    2. I all reading all of the different types of blogs... and in the end I should be thanking you for sharing with me!

