
Friday, April 12, 2013

Liberty and Stevie..Some Summer Pixies

Hi everyone! Been a long week! I did get some great pixies in the mail though! I have Liberty and Stevie from the Zoya Summer Pixie Dust collection for you! Formula on these was great, glittery, smoothly textured, and opaque in 2 coats! No base or top coats!

First up is Liberty, a dark American blue with lighter blue glittery sparkle! This looks great on my skin and in person! It's just so blue!!!! My fave polish by far now!

While this polish was extremely gorgeous (I mean look at it!), it stained my skin/nails to hell. Seriously. I looked like I was either getting frost bite or becoming a smurf. Zoya told me it was very pigmented and I should use a certain base coat, so I suppose I'll have to do that next time! Here's the damage.

Here's Stevie! I was wanting this lavendar purple with lighter purple sparkle so bad, however it was not as gorgeous as Liberty.  I didn't like the textured look of this one as much either, but it's still one glittery purple! I definitely suggest getting your hands on some of these! Zoya outdid themselves!


  1. Pretty swatches. I will keep that staining in mind and use a base coat:)

    1. definitely. Zoya recommended I use any base coat that doesn't dry to a shiny finish. i have one that dries matte, so I'll give it a go next time around!

  2. The Zoya Get Even base coat dries matte and should help with staining if this is an issue for you. For removal of glittery or dark nail polish colors Zoya recommends this... apply a cotton pad soaked in Zoya Remove+ to the nail for several seconds, until it has time to penetrate the polish. Slide cotton toward the nail tip to avoid having polish residue land on the cuticle. Repeat if needed.

    1. Thank you very much! I have love Liberty and hope to have less stain problems when I wear it for Memorial day!

  3. I just want all of these. They're gorgeous!

  4. Nice plain nails? You should try a plain clear mani

  5. Liberty is soooo pretty. I wonder how well Orly Bonder would work for preventing stains. It's the only base coat I have that doesn't dry to a shiny finish.
