
Saturday, May 18, 2013

1 Year Blogiversary Giveaway!

Happy Blogiversary to me!

Because of this, I decided to hold a giveaway! Ah yes. Almost a year ago I started blogging after trying out tons of nail polish and nail art in my lonely single dorm room freshman year. I used a webcam...oh silly me. You see my humble first post HERE on May 26, 2012.

Now for the celebration! I've been thinking of stuff to do and this seemed good. Well awesome! How about 5 prizes to give away to 5 lucky winners?

 1st Prize

What could it be? A random item from 365 Days of Color? Will it be a sugar scrub? A hand cream? Who knows? You'll get a random item from 365 Days of Color along with mystery mini polish of hers!

2nd Prize

This winner will receive a $10 Llarowe gift certificate to spend on a nice glittery indie!

3rd Prize

I'm an Avon Rep, so you should have seen this coming ;) You get 3 BNIB polishes called Wicked Game, Forbidden Fudge, and Midnight Plum. You also get 2 BN Glimmersticks Chrome Eye Liner in Burgundy Shock and Electric Pink!

4th Prize

This winner will receive 365 Days of Color's LE Water Lily (#24/50) along with a nice vanilla lotion!

5th Prize

Finally we have a coglomoartion of indies! LynBDesigns's Little Foot (swatched on a nail wheel), Impala Disco, and A England Ophelia

Now go forth! Enter! This will run until 11:59pm EST on June 1! Be sure to read the terms and conditions of rafflecopter! US and Canada only! Good luck! And Happy Blogiversary to me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would like to win the 5th prize because I don't have any of those brands in my collection yet! :)

  2. They're all wonderful, but I think I'd choose #5 because pretty! Thanks for the great blog and the fun giveaway! <3

  3. Congrats on your blogiversary and thank you for the give-away! I love #5 because of the A England. Good luck to all!

  4. I would like prize #1!! I just love mystery prizes! Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  5. The 2nd prize because I've seen some amazing polishes on Llawore

  6. I think I would choose the gift certificate because I've never ordered from llarowe before.

  7. Congratulations! I have to say, your webcam photo from your first post is better than a lot of bloggers' first posts WITH cameras. :D

  8. Congrats!! I would pick Prize #3

  9. Congrats! i'd pick the llarowe gift certificate to try something new :)

  10. I would like the gift certificate. I have some items on my wishlist with them and I could get one of them!

  11. prize five, AEngland polishes have been lemmings of mine for a very long time. Congratulations!

  12. #5 because I don't own any of those brands yet.

  13. Happy Anniversary!!!! I would like #5. Because #5 IS ALIVE! HHAHAHAHAHA!

  14. I'd love the gift certificate or the Little Foot prize. I've never shopped at Llarowe and I love LynBDesigns! :)

  15. I'd love 365 Days of Color! I'm curious to try the products!

  16. The Avon prize #3 looks awesome! I'd love to try their eyeliner.

  17. I like the 3rd package... I've never gotten to try any Avon product before.

  18. I would really love to win the gift certificate!

  19. I'd love to win either #1 or #5... but they are all great prizes!!!

  20. Congrats! i like prize #5 because i've never tried indies before.

  21. I'm kinda obsessed with 365 Days of Color and her mystery bags, so that is prob my favorite :) Awesome prizes though! Happy Blogaversary!

  22. #1! Mysteries are always fun!

  23. Anything from 365 Days of Color - I am obsessed with their cuticle products, I don't use anything else! :)

  24. I would love to try more indies, so #5. Thank you :).

  25. The Indie set or the Llarowe gc! Great giveaway! Thanks!

  26. Id like the llarowe gc, thanks so much!

  27. Happy Blogiversay!! I would like the Indies!!

  28. Congrats on one year of blogging! I think my fave prize is the last one because I love A England. :)

  29. I'd love to win the 3rd prize. I'm a fan of Avon and I love the colors there!

  30. I think I'd love the Llarowe gift card. there's a bunch of indies i want to try, and she's one of the only places that ships to Hawaii

  31. I want prize #5! The colors are so pretty!

  32. 2nd prize! I have a polish I have my eye on and that would lessen the blow ;] Or prize 1! I love her cuticle products :D THanks for the giveaway <3

  33. And PS...I would love to win the indie polishes! Love that stuff! :)

  34. Congrats! Probably the three indies would be my top choice because I'm trying to discover new to me Indie brands and I don't have any of those yet.

  35. Either 1 or 5. 'Cause you have to love a surprise, but the indies....

  36. #2, because there are some polishes I'm drooling over at Llarowe, but #5, because Littlefoot. Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. #2 would be cool because I've seen some polishes at Llarowe I'd like, but #1 would be cool too because her cuticle balms and oils are amazing!!!

  38. I'd want to win the 2nd prize so I can choose the nail polish that I like :)

  39. i would love prize pack 5 because i've always wanted to try an A-England polish. :)

  40. Either the 2nd or 5th prize, I love indies!

  41. I'd be happy with any prize, but with #2 I'd pick up an Australian indie from Llarowe!

  42. Prize 5 definitely because I don't have any A England or Impala Disco polishes and I love LynB!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I would love to receive the Llarowe gift card so I can finally buy Jindie Nails sTEALth

  45. The Impala Disco polish. I love those!
