
Friday, June 14, 2013

China Glaze Swatch Spam: Fast Track, Smoke and Ashes, and Make a Spectacle

Evening all! Been a while, hasn't it? With work and being sick, my poor nails and readers have been neglected. So tonight I have some China Glaze swatches for you!

Ah China Glaze Fast Track from the Hunger Games Collection. 2 coats. It's a lighter taupe base in person with, as you can see, tons of golden microshimmer. I love the glitter, but it's just not my color. Formula was great though!

Next is 1 coat (yes 1!) of Smoke and Ashes, one I have long been searching for from the Hunger Games Collection. It's a very very dark blackened base with blue/green microshimmer duochromeness. It was so hard to capture! I love it though :)

Last up is the glitter topper, Make a Spectacle, in 1 thick coat. I LOVE THIS COMBO. I threw it in this post just cause it looks amazing over Smoke and Ashes! The hex glitter in this is....multipurpose? It looks different in the bottle and catches the light differently on the nail depending on the base. And there's some shimmer! Ooooo! That's enough glitteriness for now! :)


  1. I always meant to pick up a bottle of Smoke and Ashes. I love it!

    1. Look on some online sites! I got mine in a swap, but some sites, like Glisten and Glow, may have older collections!
