
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Julep Mystery Box: Summer Nights Box Version 3

Evening glittery polish fans! Here's a special unplanned blog post! I ordered my first Julep Mystery box, and it came today! I got the smaller one, but I loved what was inside! Why is this my first? Because of the 2 guaranteed glitters of course!

I love that cute little purple bag that's holding my 4 polishes! So cute! So what did I get you ask?????

YES! I love what I got! While only the lip vernis and both glitters seem 'edgy and bold' to me, I still like the 2 other polishes! So top to bottom is Monica, Kyla, Sheryl, and Drew. The Lip Vernis is Zinnia and my free sample was Gylcolic Hand Scrub. Ooooo! Now full retail price would be $56 for the polish and $18.99 for the lip vernis. HOWEVER the lip vernis is on sale for $5.99 right now. That brings my box only to a total of $61.99, not $70. While I still got plenty for $24.99, I still felt a bit gypped, but I did get 2 ultra glittery polishes and a glittery plum lip gloss!

Well there you have it! While I got a smaller box and my retail value wasn't as high as it should have been, I still got plenty for my $24.99. I'll give a mystery box another chance one day! Want to become a Julep Maven? Use the code FREEBOX to get your first box free! You can skip boxes whenever, and each box costs just $20 a month. :)


  1. Eek, that does seem a bit cheeky with the lip gloss being on sale, but those guaranteed glitters are really pretty and have me tempted by these boxes!

    1. I know. I'm actually gonna email them to see what they'll say it. Maybe they'll credit my account or something. Or just know not to do this next time! And checking your site :)

  2. I like the colors that you received. I just followed your blog take a look at my blog and if you like you can follow me. . I am having 4 different giveaways on my blog right now so if you like you can enter the giveaways also.

  3. Nice! Also, I "liked" you on Fbook. :) I have posted to my blog, as well. Here is what I received:

    1. Why thank you! And I'm now following you :) Congrats on getting a big mystery box! I just needed that extra $15 for gas lol
