
Friday, August 24, 2012

My First Barielle Swatches

Evening glittery polish lovers! So Barielle recently had a sale of 20% off with free shipping! I've heard about them and needed to try, so I got 2, Lily of the Valley and Falling Star. We'll start off with Lily of the Valley!

Lily of the Valley is described as an 'irish green with shimmer.'  I totally agree! Though at some points it reminds me of an apple ha! The formula on this was perfect! 2 coats went on flawlessly with no cuticle cleanup at all! I love the silver and green microshimmer. Absolutely gorgeous! I originally picked this color because it reminded me of a song calling God the lily of the valley and the bright morning star. I'm glad that song led me to this! This will be great for both Halloween and St. Patty's Day! Now we move on to my pet peeve but favorite color of the 2, Falling Star. This was taken without flash to show its true color.

Falling Star. I have to admit, at first I picked the polish just for its name, since I'm not such a fan of copper glitter, but I loved it on me! This is described as a 'marine blue with gold glitter.' Honestly Barielle, it seems like dark blue with copper glitter to me. This is one coat of Seche Base Coat, 2 coats of Falling Star, and one coat of Seche Vite. And boy did I need the Seche Vite! Falling Star had a problem. It dried too fast and got all stringy/pully much too quickly. If it weren't for Seche Vite smoothing everything out, I would have had to take the polish off. I don't know if it's because of the glitter or if I got a wonky bottle, but who knows. Once I started using more polish per swipe, application got a bit easier. There was some minor cuticle cleanup here. I love the color though! This polish also saves me the time of putting a glitter top coat on a base polish ;) Seems that Girly Bits' Cu Blue may be a dupe of this. I shall have to look into it!

Over all, I loved these polishes. Barielle has some great glitter and shimmer, and they always have deals! Heck, every time you buy 2 bottles you get one of them half off. I love these polishes! They cost $8 a bottle at their site here:

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