
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Flakies Galore!

Sad as it may be, this will be the last long nailed mani you see for a while. I broke a nail while cleaning our apartment, and now all nails are nubs. I will not stop with designs though! Now here is the use of 2 wonderful flakies, Zoya Maisie and Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure (the original). Boom! That's right. I got the real Hidden Treasure ;)

To begin this beautifully flakie manicure, I started with one coat of Ulta's Ultra Violet Femme that I got for free with a voucher they sent me! The formula was a little bit of a pain to clean up, and it smelled awful (I don't think that polish was even 2 free!), but it had a pretty royal purple color with opacity in 1 coat. Nice, but I don't think I'd ever buy these. 

Nice royal purple with some blue undertones in it right? Would be really nice if not for the application and the smell! So after that dried a bit, I drew out Hidden Treasure and Maisie. Now Hidden Treasure was given to me by a nice friend/nurse of another friend I have. Kate is really sweet, and I did her nails while she then did my makeup! Good day, and I got this nice rare polish out of it! I used 2 coats of Hidden Treasure and Maisie alternating. Hidden Treasure had flashes of red, orange, gold, and pink, while Maisie had blues and greens. Very very glittery and nice! And with a coat of Seche Vite, perfect! I give this a 7/10 for application but a 10/10 for glitteriness! Hidden Treasure will definitely be here to stay! Any flakies you guys like?


  1. I sure do love me some flakies!! Love them over a good purple!

  2. I really love the blue green and purple combination! those are my three fave colors together and its a beautiful combination :)
