
Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Song Ganon Doesn't Know

Evening from college glittery polish lovers! These are going to be my first swatches from my college apartment! Remember Ganondorf? Aka Ganon? That evil jerk from every Zelda game was fun to kill multiple times! And he never got Link's ocarina, so he could never learn the Prelude of Light or any other song. Back again from Lucky 13 Lacquer's Hylian Hero Collection, I have swatches of Ganon and Prelude of Light today! So to begin, here's the 2 coats of Avon's sequin shade, Lucky Penny, I used for the base!

Avon's Lucky Penny is a beautiful dark orange (very Halloweeny) with strong golden sequin shimmer throughout. Their polishes never seem to disappoint me! Application was very clean, and the 2 coats were perfect. This was a great base for Ganon!

This is Ganon! One generous coat. Now this was also one I was not too keen on in the bottle, but it was based on Ganondorf, so I had to try it. Boy, am I glad I did! This looked fantastic! Not only was it very easy to apply, but it was a gorgeous glittery mixture! There were red shred glitters for Ganon's hair, green hexes for his eyes, brown hexes for his skin, and black dots for the darkness in his soul. This is definitely a 9/10 for glitter and application! I loved this so much! However, I wanted to stick with Prelude of Light as my mani over Funky Fingers Down to Earth!

So this is a new favorite. Funky Fingers in Down to Earth. This is a beautiful light gold polish with great silver sparkle in it. I love this! It was a bit streaky, but with 2 coats, it was golden glittery goodness, a perfect base for the Prelude of Light!

This was the golden icing on the cake and true to its name. Prelude of Light, based on one of the songs played on Link's ocarina, is glittery golden goodness. Application with this was a bit more tricky, for there was some slight dabbing in spots, but altogether, I got what I wanted! With medium and small gold hexes and some silver holo squares (which you know I love funky shaped glitter), this polish was to die for. My fingers have never been so glittery and sparkly and golden! This would even be perfect for Christmas! This is a 10/10 for glitteriness and a 8/10 for application. Again Lucky 13 Lacquer has not disappointed me, and I'm sure Zelda and Link will not in the future!

Want these polishes? They're $10 for full and $5 for mini here: