
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twila and Kissy, What a Pair!

Good morning glittery polish lovers! It's been a few days since I posted, but hey, school is school! For now I present 2 of the polishes I got from Zoya's BOGO sale, Twila and Kissy! These are both uber glittery polishes, right up my ally, so I had to use them! Together they are gorgeous and don't need anything else on them but Seche Vite!

So to start off this glitteriness, I used 2 coats of Twila on all but my accent nail. Twila has many bar glitters in it in blues, silver, and holo. Beautiful! There's also some blue dot glitter in there. While there was full coverage in 2 coats, the bars did lay slightly over the end of my nail. I suggest clipping them if they really annoy you to death! However, I did not have as much a problem with Kissy's bar glitters. There were pink, red, silver, holo, and easy to apply! Don't know why, but hey, it works! The red dot glitters made it incredible. Much easier application than Twila! Then I decided to be a little funky, so I painted all but my accent nail with Kissy on my right hand!

I have officially discovered that I cannot take pics with my left hand at all. My gosh! Oh well. At least I was glittery! I give this mani a 10/10 for glitter and an 8/10 for application. Zoyas are definitely amazing me, and I love that I've dived head first into this gorgeous brand!

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