
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Balm Therapy, For Your Cuticles!

One night Alex went on an adventure to historic Smithville in NJ. She found a cute little soap shop named L.E.H. Soap that smelled wonderful. She was searching for something for her poor cuticles when the nice lady in the shop pointed her to this. The Balm Therapy. The nice shop lady even gave Alex a free sample of Almond Crumb body butter (to be reviewed soon)! The Balm Therapy only cost $5, so onto the awesome review!

This stuff is alllll natural! Legit :) You can use it anywhere, but I have this specifically for my poor cuticles. To name some ingredients it's got olive oil, nettle, chickweed, cocoa butter, apricot oil, coconut oil, mango butter, and vitamin E. Goooooood stuff. And this is what it looks like. It's yellow with a sugary dough consistency (that's all I can think of lol).

A little REALLY goes a looooong way. I've had this since the beginning of December! To do all my cuticles after acetone exposure, I use this much, and it's equivalent to me dragging my nail across half the container.

Now my cuticles are usually realllly bad, but as you can see in this picture of me wearing Sweets to the Sweet by Lynnderella, my cuticles look awesome! I use this every time I'm done taking polish off now. It's a little oily at first (but it has soo many different oils in it!), but soaks in within 2-5 minutes and leaves my cuticles and fingers really soft. Love this stuff!

Love those shiny not red cuticles? Go to Smithville or to get your own!


  1. I am using their foot cream right now, love it!

    1. I need something for my feet. They're terribly cracked and dry. I'll have to look into it!
