
Monday, February 25, 2013

The Glitteriness that is Pixie Dust

Hello all! Finally back to posting :) Now this is right before my beautifully long nails were broken on a food storage container. Enjoy them while you can! They're sporting the awesomeness known as Zoya Pixie Dust in Dahlia!

This stuff is legit! Seriously! 2 coats were perfect coverage for my nails, along with no base or top coat! This charcoal black dried beautifully matte but with tons of glittery silver sparkle! Like seriously. As you have heard, these pics don't do it justice. 

With no top coat, there was no tip wear either. I thought the texture would bug me too, but it was smoothish. Kinda reminded me of say...really really fine sand? Even finer? Not gritty at all! I was afraid of removal too, but it came off like regular non glittery polish! No crazy scrubbing! AHHH YES! I give it a 10/10 for glitter and a 9/10 for application. This stuff is legit pixie dust. Get yourself some now!


  1. I think this might be the pixi dust for me!! I'm not too into matte finishes but black matte is so chic!!

    1. and so sparkly! this one will def be reused again for say, graduation next year ;)
