
Monday, February 18, 2013

Water You Waiting For?

Afternoon glittery polish lovers! So a a week or so ago I used China Glaze Water You Waiting For from the Cirque du Soleil collection for a Windestine polish. I forgot to post this gorgeous polish on its own! IT'S PURE GLITTER!

This is a glitter polish in a clear base. Yum. Light purple, blue, and green dots/hexes. And it was full coverage in 2 coats! So pretty! Just really thick, so I'm not sure how many more times I'll have the patience to use it again. This was really pretty and sparkly though!

I give this a 9/10 for glitter and a 6/10 for application. Pretty and sparkly yes, thickness no. Perhaps some thinner will help? What other polishes from this collection do you like?


  1. I have this as well and absolutely love the color, so sparkly and beautiful! but yes, I agree, way to thick. it was a bit much for my taste for all 10 fingers, so its more of an accent color for my hands. on my toes I could do all of them though. my next one from this collection will be Escaping Reality :)

  2. Well me being me, this is an all 10 fingers glitter! lol Escaping Reality looks pretty. You should post here or on the fb page when you wear it!

  3. Ah I so love this polish! It's freaking gorgeous!

  4. I like this one, but was sad that I didnt love it. Great swatch
