
Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's a Glitter Ball!

Goooood evening glittery polish fans! Just finished a chapter of vocab for Cognitive Psych, so it's totally time for a glittery blog post!  This one literally made me do a glitter dance when I put it on! I present my first ever Picture Polish, Glitter Ball, over Avon's Wicked!

Shall we get to the glitter dance? So to begin this gloriously glittery rainbowy holo mani, you first have to start with a stunningly dark and shimmery base. Blue and black seemed too mainstream, so I wanted to try something new...why not an Avon shimmer shade lying around in my untried pile? As you know, I love Avon polish. It comes in 4 finishes, is opaque in 1 coat, and has great wear time! This is one coat of Wicked with flash to show the subtle red shimmer to it. It looks either black or very dark burgundy red without flash, as it does in the previous picture. 

Now comes the star! I would never normally buy Picture Polish (expensive!), but I got it on Copious for $3. Why not? This is just 1 coat followed by Seche Vite. I didn't think it would look as awesome as I thought, but it did! I literally beat my feet on the ground in happiness when I saw this glittery rainbow holo goodness! I couldn't believe how pretty it was! With flash, more of the hex holo is seen, and without flash, more of the dot glitter holo is seen. Gorgeous! I give this mani a 9/10 for application and a 10/10 for glitteriness! I love this polish so much! I can't wait to try more of this brand! :D

Like Avon polish? You can buy some in my online store here!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Evening glittery polish lovers! So they other day I was staring at my unused Zoyas and thinking about my poor black striping brush. It doesn't get a lot of why not use it? With some random lines, I made a cute mani that got tons of compliments at club officer training!

This is both glittery and simple! I started off we 2 coats of Zoya Ivanka and a coat of Seche Vite. Ivanka is a sheer medium green polish with gold, green, and silver shimmer! I'm in love with this polish, and I don't usually do green! Application was a cinch with minimal cuticle cleanup. I give this one a 7/10 for glitter!

Next, to the stripes! I pulled my black striper, a Sinful Colors one, and went to work! I drew 2 random lines on my fingers and crossed them over on the right side. Simple, and pretty! Then with another coat of Seche Vite, this was complete! I love this mani, and it was super easy to do on my right hand too! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Golden Shimmeriness That is Zoya Daul

Evening glittery polish lovers! We have a quicky tonight, just to make you happy and satisfy your craving for some sparkly glitter! Here is the lovely and wonderful Zoya Daul in 2 coats and with a coat of Seche Vite! This is from the Fall 2012 Diva Collection :)

Now this is perfect. Purple? Tons of glittery and sparkle? YES! I got this in my Zoya BOGO sale polishes, and it didn't disappoint. It's a nice plum purple with tons of golden shimmer! The shimmer even looked rainbowy at some points. This is perfection. I don't usually wear a polish alone without any glitter top coats, nail art, etc, but I had to with Daul! This will be a great polish for the fall and perhaps be added to those I use for Stockata, my all female a capella group! And application was perfect. 2 coats because it's a tad sheer, but barely any cuticle clean up. I give this a 9/10 for application and a 9/10 for glitter! Gorgeous! Get some shimmery and glittery Zoyas if you can!

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Super Hero!

Up, up, and away! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...Super Man! That's exactly what I thought of when I first saw Super Hero, a new polish by Whimsical by Pam. She came out with a batch of new polishes, and this was one that immediately caught my eye. With its yellow, red, and blue color scheme, Super Man and Clark Kent came to mind.  This polish is one gorgeous jelly!

Beautiful no? This is one beautiful jelly! This is 3 coats of Super Hero topped with Seche Vite. This polish is a beautiful bright yellow jelly with golden glitter, matte yellow hexes, matte blue hexes, and matte red stars. Love love love! I got many compliments on this polish, after all, it is pretty darn awesome looking! Seeing as how I used 3 coats on its own though, there was some challenging application with the stars, but other than that, it was fine. However, beauty comes with a price. Matte glitter is a royal pain in the butt to get off. Even the tin foil method failed me. I ended up having to peel this off. Oui vey! I may not go back to this one unless I have a peel off base coat! However, I give this a 9/10 for glitter and an 7/10 for application. Pam's polishes are gorgeous, and I can't wait to get more! Enjoy!

*Buy some of Pam's goodies here: *

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twila and Kissy, What a Pair!

Good morning glittery polish lovers! It's been a few days since I posted, but hey, school is school! For now I present 2 of the polishes I got from Zoya's BOGO sale, Twila and Kissy! These are both uber glittery polishes, right up my ally, so I had to use them! Together they are gorgeous and don't need anything else on them but Seche Vite!

So to start off this glitteriness, I used 2 coats of Twila on all but my accent nail. Twila has many bar glitters in it in blues, silver, and holo. Beautiful! There's also some blue dot glitter in there. While there was full coverage in 2 coats, the bars did lay slightly over the end of my nail. I suggest clipping them if they really annoy you to death! However, I did not have as much a problem with Kissy's bar glitters. There were pink, red, silver, holo, and easy to apply! Don't know why, but hey, it works! The red dot glitters made it incredible. Much easier application than Twila! Then I decided to be a little funky, so I painted all but my accent nail with Kissy on my right hand!

I have officially discovered that I cannot take pics with my left hand at all. My gosh! Oh well. At least I was glittery! I give this mani a 10/10 for glitter and an 8/10 for application. Zoyas are definitely amazing me, and I love that I've dived head first into this gorgeous brand!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Luna Became Black Spotted

Evening glittery polish lovers! I officially have some free time after my second year of college has already begun to kick my butt! I've saved plenty of glittery and unique polish goodness for you, so now I present something totally coveted by many, Europe's ever so popular OPI Black Spotted!

Let's get down to business shall we? So to start this off, I wanted to use a silvery polish, so what better to use than my new Zoya Luna? I used 2 coats and Seche Vite for full coverage. Luna has silver glittery in a sheer light grey base. Very pretty, and it reminds me of moonlight or snow! 

Now to OPI Black Spotted. This was exclusive to Europe, and America didn't get it. Darn. Ebay is expensive, so I got it from an auction by Adventures in Polishland. This is supposed to be used over a base polish to get an oil on water effect. Cool right? It kinda reminds me of graffiti too. You have to use one thin coat, a realllly thin coat, to get this effect. Wipe the brush on the sides of the bottle and test the brush on paper to make sure it spots. Then paint thinly on your nails. Beautiful right? And with a coat of Seche Vite, it's sealed in tight.....

However, the next day, I had tip wear only from Black Spotted. Then it and my Seche Vite pulled off like tape. Tape! I don't know if it was the chemicals reacting with Seche Vite or not, but it was weird girls! Next time I will definitely use no top coat and apply more Black Spotted as wear shows up. I give this mani a 9/10 for glittter and a 7/10 for application. Practice! And if you can get Black Spotted cheap, go! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Flakies Galore!

Sad as it may be, this will be the last long nailed mani you see for a while. I broke a nail while cleaning our apartment, and now all nails are nubs. I will not stop with designs though! Now here is the use of 2 wonderful flakies, Zoya Maisie and Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure (the original). Boom! That's right. I got the real Hidden Treasure ;)

To begin this beautifully flakie manicure, I started with one coat of Ulta's Ultra Violet Femme that I got for free with a voucher they sent me! The formula was a little bit of a pain to clean up, and it smelled awful (I don't think that polish was even 2 free!), but it had a pretty royal purple color with opacity in 1 coat. Nice, but I don't think I'd ever buy these. 

Nice royal purple with some blue undertones in it right? Would be really nice if not for the application and the smell! So after that dried a bit, I drew out Hidden Treasure and Maisie. Now Hidden Treasure was given to me by a nice friend/nurse of another friend I have. Kate is really sweet, and I did her nails while she then did my makeup! Good day, and I got this nice rare polish out of it! I used 2 coats of Hidden Treasure and Maisie alternating. Hidden Treasure had flashes of red, orange, gold, and pink, while Maisie had blues and greens. Very very glittery and nice! And with a coat of Seche Vite, perfect! I give this a 7/10 for application but a 10/10 for glitteriness! Hidden Treasure will definitely be here to stay! Any flakies you guys like?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Song Ganon Doesn't Know

Evening from college glittery polish lovers! These are going to be my first swatches from my college apartment! Remember Ganondorf? Aka Ganon? That evil jerk from every Zelda game was fun to kill multiple times! And he never got Link's ocarina, so he could never learn the Prelude of Light or any other song. Back again from Lucky 13 Lacquer's Hylian Hero Collection, I have swatches of Ganon and Prelude of Light today! So to begin, here's the 2 coats of Avon's sequin shade, Lucky Penny, I used for the base!

Avon's Lucky Penny is a beautiful dark orange (very Halloweeny) with strong golden sequin shimmer throughout. Their polishes never seem to disappoint me! Application was very clean, and the 2 coats were perfect. This was a great base for Ganon!

This is Ganon! One generous coat. Now this was also one I was not too keen on in the bottle, but it was based on Ganondorf, so I had to try it. Boy, am I glad I did! This looked fantastic! Not only was it very easy to apply, but it was a gorgeous glittery mixture! There were red shred glitters for Ganon's hair, green hexes for his eyes, brown hexes for his skin, and black dots for the darkness in his soul. This is definitely a 9/10 for glitter and application! I loved this so much! However, I wanted to stick with Prelude of Light as my mani over Funky Fingers Down to Earth!

So this is a new favorite. Funky Fingers in Down to Earth. This is a beautiful light gold polish with great silver sparkle in it. I love this! It was a bit streaky, but with 2 coats, it was golden glittery goodness, a perfect base for the Prelude of Light!

This was the golden icing on the cake and true to its name. Prelude of Light, based on one of the songs played on Link's ocarina, is glittery golden goodness. Application with this was a bit more tricky, for there was some slight dabbing in spots, but altogether, I got what I wanted! With medium and small gold hexes and some silver holo squares (which you know I love funky shaped glitter), this polish was to die for. My fingers have never been so glittery and sparkly and golden! This would even be perfect for Christmas! This is a 10/10 for glitteriness and a 8/10 for application. Again Lucky 13 Lacquer has not disappointed me, and I'm sure Zelda and Link will not in the future!

Want these polishes? They're $10 for full and $5 for mini here: