
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Luna Became Black Spotted

Evening glittery polish lovers! I officially have some free time after my second year of college has already begun to kick my butt! I've saved plenty of glittery and unique polish goodness for you, so now I present something totally coveted by many, Europe's ever so popular OPI Black Spotted!

Let's get down to business shall we? So to start this off, I wanted to use a silvery polish, so what better to use than my new Zoya Luna? I used 2 coats and Seche Vite for full coverage. Luna has silver glittery in a sheer light grey base. Very pretty, and it reminds me of moonlight or snow! 

Now to OPI Black Spotted. This was exclusive to Europe, and America didn't get it. Darn. Ebay is expensive, so I got it from an auction by Adventures in Polishland. This is supposed to be used over a base polish to get an oil on water effect. Cool right? It kinda reminds me of graffiti too. You have to use one thin coat, a realllly thin coat, to get this effect. Wipe the brush on the sides of the bottle and test the brush on paper to make sure it spots. Then paint thinly on your nails. Beautiful right? And with a coat of Seche Vite, it's sealed in tight.....

However, the next day, I had tip wear only from Black Spotted. Then it and my Seche Vite pulled off like tape. Tape! I don't know if it was the chemicals reacting with Seche Vite or not, but it was weird girls! Next time I will definitely use no top coat and apply more Black Spotted as wear shows up. I give this mani a 9/10 for glittter and a 7/10 for application. Practice! And if you can get Black Spotted cheap, go! :)